About this blog

Taking time off of work and my life in Virginia to follow my long-time ambition to spend some serious time traveling. Headed down the east coast first in early February 2012, then spending a month in Goa, India, another in Argentina, then road tripping down the bottom of the US from California as I make my way back home. A lot of people have asked/suggested I keep a blog and though I will try to keep in touch with as many as possible, this will be the easiest way for me to share with multiple people. Thanks for your support!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

There are everyone else's friends, and then there are mine.

I just stayed up past my bedtime and worked really hard on a graphic to represent how much cooler my friends and family are than raw cookie dough, wine, and puppies combined. As more you you know than I am proud to admit, those are pretty much my most favorite things ever. Note that the word "friends" is inclusive of family:

That really doesn't do it justice, but I hope it made you smile. Or want to buy me photoshop.

For some reason, you all not only read/skimmed my incredibly long and mostly self-serving email and blog post about my upcoming world tour, but you also responded with tons of subscribes to the blog and kind words of encouragement. It seems that now the cheerleader.... has the cheerleaders! Thank you so much!

I hope nobody minds that I use their words (and in some cases edit down), but I thought I'd anonymously share some of the comments. Going back to my not as totally self-serving objective of also wanting to encourage others to do the things they've always wanted, I thought you might benefit from seeing the kind of support you can get for doing such a thing:

  • Congratulations!  As the famed philosopher Joseph Campbell said, "Follow your bliss."  Nothing is as illuminating, educational or entertaining as travel.  And I like staying in one place for a time rather than dashing about six countries in six days.  Your letter radiates enthusiasm.  I am so glad I strode into waist-deep rice fields (etc., etc.) in my 40s because I could not do so now.  When you become much older, memories are what your life will have been about.  So make memories!
  • Longest email ever. 
  • Sounds sososososososo amazing carlyn. Have the best time ever!!
  • I couldn't be more thrilled for you that you're doing this!  That is so incredibly exciting and I plan to live vicariously through your journey.  If anyone could do this and get the most out of it, it's you. 
  • DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!! I knew it!
  • I just got your e-mail, and I guess I was one of the ones that didn't really know about this, but reading it got me really excited for you. As you know, I took a similar route and it was hands down some of the best times of my life... a major reason my trip was so great was because of the uncertainty of the whole thing, not knowing anyone and not much of the language. That's really cool that you are deciding to do this, and it definitely takes a lot to go through with it, but I'm telling you that it will 100% be worth it.
  • Safe travels!  If you don't do something like this now, you won't be able to do it until your old, and hunky strange dudes at the bar won't hit on you when your old, so now is the time! Good luck friend-o!
  • AAAHHHHH I am so excited for you. I just read your blog too and it sounds like you have everything really well planned out. If I don't get to see you, best of luck on the trip. I know you'll handle it like a boss! And I can't wait to follow your blog.
  • Wow Carlyn that's incredible! I'm really happy for you and a little jealous!
  • What a bold, life changing move. I’m proud of you and can’t wait to share the adventure.
  • Carlyn!! Such exciting news and such an inspiration! So happy for you and excited to hear about your adventures :) Although, I have to admit when I initially read your message I had a fleeting thought..."Oh no, we're going to see Carlyn on an episode of locked up abroad!" Hehe - just teasing - Best of luck and safe travels!
  • So happy for you! You're going to have an amazing time. 
  • Congrats girl!  That's exciting and I think anyone who wouldn't do the exact same thing (or a similar travel itinerary) is nuts, gotta go for it since this ain't no dress rehearsal :)
  • I just wanted to say how excited I am for you!! I think it is going to be an amazing trip, something that a lot of people will be envious about. I know you will be safe and learn a lot. And I think you're right, this is the perfect time to do this, no kids or mortgage, so you might as well take advantage of it! Best of luck!!!
  • WOW!! Initially I was surprised to see your email, but then I thought, duh, this is Fun Aunt Carlyn we’re talking about…I am sooo excited for you!!!!  You have really done your homework and got this whole thing planned out so well, you’ve left no room for worry (well just the unplannable stuff).  I’m SO glad we’ve scheduled some time to hang out before you leave.  You are truly an inspiration - if we want something in life we can’t just talk about it or wish for it, we have to make it happen, live it! As my dad says, “Wish is one hand and poop in the other and see which fills up faster”, haha but seriously, I’m so glad you’re not sitting around here wishing up some empty dreams.  Here’s to living out our dreams, pushing out of our comfort zones and learning more about ourselves than we may have ever wanted to know! HAPPY NEW YEAR 
  • This is so freakin cool.  Hope you have an amazing time Carlyn!!!  Watch out for the Bengal Tigas!  I'll be checkin out your blog.
  • I am so happy for you! You are going to have a fantastic time. It's important to follow your dreams. I had a really good friend and her husband take more than a year off during the height of the recession to travel around the world and write about it. You can check out their story at ishouldlogoff.com. I was surprised to learn how many people actually do this. You are right - you are among friends. I admire your guts and your ambition. I look forward to keeping up on your travels on your blog.
  • DON'T LEAVE!!!!!!!!!! ok, I know you're still leaving, but it was worth a try. Great blog AND [my work] lets me onto the site from my work computer, double yay! This is all very exciting, can't believe it's approaching so quickly!

THANK YOU everyone!! I love you! Mean it! And I promise not all of the blog posts will be this long! And if you want to subscribe and get notified whenever I add a post on my journey, just enter your email address in the space in the right hand column.


  1. I envy your bravery and couldn't be more proud! xoxo

  2. I'm so excited to be making the irst 8 hours of your hourney together to Myrtle! :o) Whoop whoop!!!!!
