About this blog

Taking time off of work and my life in Virginia to follow my long-time ambition to spend some serious time traveling. Headed down the east coast first in early February 2012, then spending a month in Goa, India, another in Argentina, then road tripping down the bottom of the US from California as I make my way back home. A lot of people have asked/suggested I keep a blog and though I will try to keep in touch with as many as possible, this will be the easiest way for me to share with multiple people. Thanks for your support!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It just got real.

Thank goodness, this trip finally feels imminent. I was starting to get nervous. I've been excited, but something about it seemed really far away... until this weekend. 

First of all, I had my last day of work on Friday. That entire last week I'd gradually started to feel as though I was losing relevance there as my duties and clients got picked up by other people and I had less to do. Friday when they threw me a going away lunch and gave me their well wishes was when it actually hit home that this chapter was over. The nice things they had to say to me before I left helped make me feel less irrelevant and I'm very lucky to say that I haven't had a single day of unemployment since my first job after college about 5 years ago. 

Now I'm sitting here at my house on a Monday getting things organized for the week that I'm actually, finally leaving for my trip while everyone else is at work, or called in sick from their SuperBowl hangovers. So it's feeling pretty real. 

The other thing that made it feel more real is that I had my last weekend out with many of my close friends. I'd be lucky if I had just one friend like these guys and gals. So I must have some awesome Karma from another life or something because I was given an embarrassment of riches when it comes to incredible friends in this life. Not everyone could make it out but all for good reasons and I know they'll be here when I get back. 

Now I have to start tying up loose ends, packing and getting my house in order so I don't come home to immediate chores... I guess the "work" doesn't end just because I don't have a job. I hit the road first thing Thursday! 
Dinner at La Tasca in Arlington with some of my closest friends

Me, Laura and Patti putting in the group effort to finish the last drops of sangria

Ashley, Laura, Me, Patti, Maryam and Brittany - who came all the way up from Virginia Beach!

Last drinks at Whitlows for a long time! 

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